What Is Manic Depressant?

By Devid Wolley

There are different types of depression that a person can experience. Manic Depressant or as the medical community calls it Bipolar Disorder is one such depression type. Depression disorders like Manic Depressant are mood disorders. They need to be treated with medical advice and medication coupled with therapy.

In Manic Depressant there are two poles of extreme mood swings. There will be a phase of euphoric high or mania followed a brief spell of normalcy then feelings of complete and utter worthlessness and sadness. The Manic Depressant mood changes are episodic. As these mood disorders originate from the brain Manic Depressant is also considered as a neurological brain disorder. Untreated, Manic Depressant will end up becoming a manic illness. There are three different phases of Manic Depression. They are Hypomania, Acute Mania and Delirious Mania.

The symptoms of manic depressant can include sadness, low self esteem, excessive sleep, insomnia, lack of interest in daily activities, trouble focusing, thoughts of death or suicide, inability to concentrate, feeling worthless, changes in appetite, lots of energy, grand plans and thoughts, thoughts of self importance, quick thinking and speech patterns, irrational behavior, fearlessness, spending excessive amounts of money, alcohol and drug abuse, loss of self control and good judgment and prolonged periods without sleep.


Hypomania is the phase of Manic depressant where activity and thoughts of the person are speeded up. As there is an intense feeling of euphoria there is less need for sleep. However the person in the grip of Hypomania will also feel irritated with other people. Their thought process while it is quick is still logical. While they may feel in control over all aspects of a situation, they are unable to see the consequences. The Hypomania depressant person will refuse to seek help and medication.

Acute Mania is the next phase of Manic Depressant. This phase only manifests itself if Hypomania is not treated. Here the thinking is disjointed and disoriented. Speech becomes unintelligible, hallucinations and delusions are present in the persons perception. The Acute Mania sufferer is at risk from accidental injuries as they are unable to look after themselves.

Delirious Mania is the final phase of Manic Depressant. In this phase the individual is confused and bewildered. They appear to be disturbed. The symptoms of Delirious Mania can be caused by poor nutrition and physical exhaustion. Treatment for delirious Mania must be given as people do die from this phase. Sometimes this Mania is mistaken for Schizophrenic disorder.

Manic Depressant is a severe mood disorder. It is vital to have this disorder diagnosed and treated. Should it be left untreated it will eventually cause the sufferer death. Therefore if any of the symptoms of Manic Depressant are present it is imperative that medical help and treatment be provided as soon as possible. With treatment Manic depressant is a curable disorder.

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